Becoming your best version

of a healthcare leader


Tuesday Sep 17

Hyde Park Prime Steakhouse (26300 Chagrin Boulevard,



Communication Consult


Gather in lobby for rides


Dinner for early arrivals at Hyde Park

Wednesday Sep 18

Marriott's Great Room

No later than 2pm

Arrival at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE)

30-minute Uber ride to Hotel is recommended option.

10am to 4pm

Welcoming in the Great Room (extension of the Hotel Lobby) | by Committee Members; Introductions to other Medvalistas; Drinks and snacks; Hand out Directory


Communication Consult | Maria and Angela


Dolphin Tank | Shelby with Tom F, Dave S and Pam


Optional Networking | Dolphin Tanks; Trainings; Club retreats; Group tables by interest


Communication Consult | Maria and Mrunal


Town Council Planning Session (Geauga Room next to Hotel Lobby)


Communication Consult | Maria and Mike


Gather in the Hotel's Great Room to depart for Georges' home


Social Hour | Gather around the pool to connect with your Medvalista acquaintances and make a dozen new friends


Dinner | Short self-introductions, and asking for help with one need


Desert | After dinner drinks, networking around fire pit


Depart for Hotel

Thursday Sep 19


Gather in the Hotel's Great Room to depart for Canterbury (5-minute drive)

9am - Nicklaus Room

Working Breakfast

Video memories from last night.

What is the State of our Town? | by Jim

Hear from the Mayor his vision and aspirations for how good our little town can become, and his updates on progress.

Introduction to Connie | by Maria

Get to know Medvale's new Customized Chat GPT and find a question that she can't answer.

What is the Town Council thinking about these days? | by Tom F and Panel

Meet the Town Council members and hear in their words the strategic plan coming out of yersterday's planning session.

What is the Co-op and do I care? | by Bruce and Panel

Meet the Co-op members and decide if you would like to participate in Medvale's research center.


Break: Enjoy a conversation with your new best friend.


Breakouts by interest

a) Is there such a thing as work-life balance in America or do I need to move to Europe?

b) Growth & Development: Are people not buying or are we not selling? Answering the evolving question of meeting revenue goals in 2024 and beyond in a cash strapped market. | by Angela

c) Transitions – How to best prepare for and live in transitional moments of life and career | by John S and Lar


Lunch and Community Leadership Learnings Spotlight. Get inspired by four fellow Medvalistas who have made great strides in population health, patient experience, cost reductions and provider wellbeing. | by Mrunal and Panel


"Making Healthcare Better: What’s New, What’s Real, What’s Still “All Hat, No Cattle?”. Where is the Value Based healthcare movement, really? What is actually getting better? What - despite the press releases -- is stuck in neutral, or worse? What can we learn - as execs getting sold to all day long, or selling ourselves - about how to truly advance systemic healthcare improvement, in our institutions, communities and beyond? | by Ken and Panel (Tim and Mike F)


Break. Grab a Medvalista that you want to know better, and arrange a longer conversation during the Social Hour (at 5pm).


Breakout discussions:

a) Healthcare Private Equity Trends: What’s the Latest? How Do I Access True Value Creators and Avoid the Knaves? | by Mike F.

The rise of private equity's interest in healthcare has provided both new opportunities to access outside capital but also significant risks. Based on what needs participants bring to the discussion, our facilitator Mike Ferkovic draws on his experience in buy- and sell-side financial diligence as well as a private equity sponsored MSO to share details on:

(i) the history of private equity,

(ii) how private equity differs from venture capital, family offices, and other private capital options,

(iii) valuation and capital structure trends, including the use of rollover equity and debt,

(iv) recent trends in investment theses and potential exits, and

(v) recommendations on how to screen and manage potential partners if seeking outside investors

b) Healthcare Leadership Development: how can I get help or give help? Coaching, mentorship and advising opportunities. | by Mrunal

As the healthcare industry is emerging from grasp of the pandemic, many are restarting their leadership journey. A trend that is becoming more popular is coaching and is often hard to differentiate from mentorship and advising/consulting. Mrunal will share some high level thoughts on how this is evolving, and how you can access or get involved at your institutions to be helped or offer help to those on their journeys.

- The differentiators between each type of leader support

- How does one find the right person to help them

- How does one become the right person to help others

- How do these different types of support fit into the organizational model of leader development (the business models)

- What is Medvale working on to support its membership and where might this go in the future

c) Intersection: Succession Planning as a Strategic Imperative| by Dave S.

Identifying and developing an organization's next level talent requires an investment of time from executive leaders. This discussion is designed for Medvalistas to share best practices on helping future leaders build a strategic mindset to complement their operational skills.

4pm - Picard Lounge

Drinks and Snacks while watching the live recording of a Medvale Media episode. Dave S interviewing Pam


Social Hour. Have a glass of wine with the Medvalista that you wanted to circle back around to.


Ken interviews Ivan: “Thoughts on transitions”


Dinner. Small table moderated conversations to get to know each other




Return to the Marriott Hotel


Sep 20

Double Eagle Golf Club

Medvale Lounge


Registered Golfers:

Gather in Marriott lobby to depart for Double Eagle (2:30h drive)


Non Golfers (Optional):

Networking Breakfast in the Hotel Restaurant

Breakfast; Dolphin Tanks; Trainings; Club retreats; Group tables by interest.


New Website Brainstorming Session in the Geauga Room

Join us for a session to design and develop the new exclusive internal website for Medvalistas. Contribute your ideas on its look, feel, and the essential features it should have.


Optional Lunch at River City Grille (at the Hotel)


Optional Dinner at Pinstripes

Saturday, September 21th
